Wanting to make great career choices – for you or for your business?
Hello I am Liz, a trusted partner in careers. Curious to find out more?

Here is what I do and how I can help
Leadership coaching
I believe that this coaching is for everyone to be more coach like & achieve your best work. Coaching with the right person can bring much needed focus, new thinking & evolved behaviour for people to perform at their best.
Career mentoring
Career mentoring should not be the preserve of the elite and my work with clients aims to be affordable, accessible & actioned orientated. Always bespoke, never cookie cutter just like you and your career!
Recruitment services
Don’t have the time or resource to recruit yourself? Recruitment agencies too costly or don’t fit your business hiring model? An independent consultant can partner with you in a tailored & budget friendly way.
Outplacement services
For anyone that is supporting individuals in their company as they exit their current business, outplacement support especially bespoke programmes can be transformative at exactly the time it is most needed.
Featured post
Coaching series 3: How do I find the right executive coach for me?
In series 2 we looked at what happens in a coaching session through our senses and the very real impact it can have on you in your role as leader either of …
Let’s meet
Please select a time that works for you & find how we can work together to get you closer to great work!